so back from the big smoke and going to see lovely design people insaid of the old lady with the corgis. spoke to some immense people and got some really good feedback on the freshly redesigned portfolio. so what started with bowel renching terror ended with a more laid back approach to talking about my work. also with some beer with everyone afterwards in a nice pub. even more also was the fact the second pub we all made it to served brains SA gold (a previously undiscovered luxury but a luxury none the less. A nice mention on a design blog and a true cockney cabbey to take us home. truly a top day.. Today was a long trip home but it's good to be back. so thanks to dan for the awesome place to crash ( the pic of the river is the view from his balcony, to all the people who talked to me at the RSA, the tutors, and the friends for making it an immense trip.